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Abstract Topic: Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years

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Addressing Language Development Barriers: A Pedagogical Approach for Young Children with Speech Delay
(a) Dewi Fitriani (b)Agus Prayogo

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Dewi Fitriani

(a) Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

(b) Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo

Speech delay is considered prevalent in young children and becomes significant attention among early childhood educators since it may affect the communication and social skills of children. To deal with this problem, a pedagogical approach is carried out to facilitate educators in helping young children with such hindrance. This study aims at investigating the pedagogical approach employed by the teacher to address the speech delay. A descriptive qualitative study is used to examine the implementation through interviews and observation. Educators from identified schools with speech delay pupils were selected to participate in the study. The findings revealed a series of pedagogical treatments utilized for resolving the speech delay started from classroom management, teacher-s modelling, small group opportunity, big group opportunity, teacher-s scaffolding, and referral system.

pedagogical approach; speech delay; young children

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


Disaster Mitigation in Early Childhood Education
Ina Winangsih, S.Pd., Dr. Euis Kurniati, M.Pd.

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Ina Winangsih

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Natural disaster happens quite frequently in Indonesia. The Government has attempted to tackle natural disaster by developing disaster mitigation mainstreaming plan in almost every aspect of the country-s development fields, including in education. it is however early childhood education remains overlooked in the discussion pertaining the natural disaster. Using a literature review approach, this paper aims to elaborate why early childhood education needs to be included in the nation-s disaster mitigation mainstreaming program. The finding of this paper is expected to illuminate how education, early childhood education program should be designed in order to be responsive with the natural disaster.

Disaster Mitigation, Early Childhood Education

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


Disaster risk reduction education through storytelling for preschool children: A case study of storytellers local community in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara
Yulia Hidayati

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Yulia Hidayati

BPPAUD DIKMAS Nusa Tenggara Barat
Jalan Galah Mada 173, Mataram, NTB, 8316

yuliahidayati1507[at]; yhid0001[at]

This paper presents a study on the disaster risk reduction education (DRRE) through storytelling for preschool-aged children by the local storytellers- community in Lombok. The conceptual framework used is narrative inquiry through the three commonplaces of sociality, temporality and place (Conelly and Clandinin, 2006). By exploring a case study as methodology, this writing draws on the case of two storytellers who were actively demonstrating their skill for the aims of DRRE. The data was collected through the semi-structured interview and the analysis of storytelling video in their YouTube channel. The findings demonstrated that storytelling to improve disaster awareness shaped collaboratively through the three aspects of narrative inquiry. The way that story made, and its performance delivered depends on the children background, language and local values will act as valuable insight to further enrichment, together with the notion of using fun ways of delivering DRRE, namely, singing, props exploration and story-acting. Storytelling appears to be an effective technique to improve disaster awareness among young children. Thus, the mutual alliance between the government as the policymaker, the practitioners as those who engage in the practice and the academics as those who investigate the concepts, is expected.

Disaster Education, Early Childhood, Storytelling, Narrative Inquiry

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


Widya Ayu Puspita

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Widya Ayu Puspita

BPPAUD dan Dikmas Jawa timur

ABSTRAK PEMBELAJARAN PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH, SEHAT DAN AMAN (PHBSA) DI PAUD INKLUSIF Widya Ayu Puspita Pamong Belajar BP PAUD dan Dikmas Jawa Timur Perilaku hidup bersih, sehat dan aman (PHBSA) merupakan sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang terkait dengan berbagai upaya untuk menjaga kebersihan, kesehatan dan keselamatan diri serta lingkungan. Model pembelajaran Perilaku Hidup Bersih, Sehat dan Aman (PHBSA) di PAUD Inklusif merupakan program pembelajaran untuk membiasakan anak di kelompok bermain, baik anak pada umumnya maupun anak berkebutuhan khusus. Pembiasaan tersebut diintegrasikan dalam seluruh aktivitas sepanjang hari dan dikuatkan pada tema-tema tertentu yang terkait. Sasaran dibatasi 2 – 4 tahun atau yang berada di satuan kelompok bermain (KB) inklusif. Untuk anak yang berkebutuhan khusus, rentang usia tidak dibatasi 2 – 4 tahun, tetapi yang terpenting adalah berada di kelompok bermain. Implementasi model sangat didukung oleh keterlibatan aktif pendidik sebagai perancang kegiatan dan pengelola yang melakukan monitoring kegiatan sekaligus pengendali mutu pembelajaran. PBSA terdiri atas beberapa perilaku, antara lain mencuci tangan, menggosok gigi, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, konsumsi makanan sehat dan seimbang, buang air besar dan buang air bersih pada tempatnya, serta menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. Pada model ini difokuskan pada mencuci tangan, menggosok gigi, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, konsumsi makanan sehat dan seimbang. PHBSA ditanamkan sejak dini melalui keteladanan, pembiasaan dan pengkondisian, sehingga menjadi kebiasaan positif yang menetap dan tampak dalam perilaku sehari-hari anak. Penanaman sejak dini sangat penting karena pada masa ini terjadi proses pembentukan karakter, yang akan menjadi dasar bagi kepribadian anak kelak, termasuk perilaku hidup bersih, sehat dan aman. Keteladanan terwujud dari contoh perilaku positif yang ditampilkan oleh orang dewasa di sekitar anak secara konsisten. Pembiasaan dilakukan sepanjang waktu, setiap hari, baik di satuan PAUD, maupun di rumah, sehingga terjadi kesinambungan, dan semakin kuat.

Kata Kunci Perilaku hidup bersih, sehat dan aman, pendidikan anak usia dini

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


Early Childhood Mathematics in HighScope Approach within Lesson Study Context
Sampan Thinwiangthong (a*), Sudthiporn Chatathicoon (b), Duangmanee Ya-amphan (c), Vanvisa Somumchan (d), Khosrow Jahanian (e)

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Sampan Thinwiangthong

a) Mathematics Education Program, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, 123/2009 Mou 16, Naimueng, Mueng, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand
b) Demonstration School, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand
c) Mathematics Education Program, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, 123/2009 Mou 16, Naimueng, Mueng, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand
d) Demonstration School, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand
e) Demonstration School, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand

This research aimed to study early childhood mathematics employing HighScope approach within lesson study context. Target group were 42 kindergarten students, studied in the 1st semester of 2019 academic year, Demonstration School, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. Research instruments were fieldnote, photo camera, and worksheets. Data were collected by fieldnote taking and photo recoding, which were analyzed by applying framework of mathematics contents for early childhood, according to National Association for the Education of Young Children (2010). Research results reveal that, in lesson study context (collaborative Plan – Do – See), students had learnt mathematics through HighScope approach consisted of Plan, Do and Review activities. Five mathematics strands were founded: 1) Number and operations, students have the ideas of group, number, symbol and number sense, 2) Geometry and spatial sense, they have the ideas of line, angle, geometric shapes, symmetry and dimensional relationship, 3) Measurement, they have the ideas of comparing sizes, characteristics and number of items, 4) Pattern/algebraic thinking, they have the ideas of number relationship and pattern of objects, and 5) Displaying and analyzing data, among four activities, all students collaboratively worked together to present their own cards representing their preferred activities in a form of bar chart.

Early childhood mathematics; HighScope approach; Lesson study

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


Effectiveness of BASE Model management activities to promote Working memory and inhibit control in early childhood
Jiraporn Chano Thanart Sripong-ngam and Sukirin Amadbundit

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Faculty of Education
Maha sarakham University , Thailand


This research aim were 1) to compare the average scores, working memory scores and inhibition control of early childhood before and after activities. 2) to study the correlation coefficient between working memory and inhibition control in early childhood. 3) to study the development of general executive function of preschool children. Sample is Kindergarten student .Method used experimental research design .The sampling were aged between 3-5 years, the second semester, academic year 2018, total 53 students from municipalities school were selected by cluster random sampling. The results showed that the scores of working memory and inhibition control in early childhood after activities were higher than before activities. Correlation coefficient between memory and inhibition control of early childhood after the activities in which the positive relations and development of the overall management of early childhood is at good to very good levels. Implication : In organizing experiences to promote working memory and inhibition control in early childhood Parents have a lot of roles to be a school assistant which collaborators and support the childrens education, so there should be communication between teachers and parents which will result in higher learning efficiency.

working memory , inhibition control , Executive function

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


Improving the Quality of Children Development in Kindergarten by Stimulating their Creative Cognitive Skills using the Pragmatic Approach to Creativity
Uus Kusnadi and Mohamad Helmi Ismail

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Mohamad Helmi Ismail

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesian University of Education), District Campus Cibiru. KM. 15, Street of Cibiru

There were some intriguing cases based on the findings at grade B Kindergarten Lab. School UPI Campus District Cibiru. Besides the unmanaged children creative abilities, there were two children having mental disorder. The other, having difficulties interacting with them, they frequently showing aggressive behaviors towards one another, and disrupting the class which later on halting their social-emotional development. The stimulation of creative cognitive behaviors and the application of pragmatic approach to creativity assembled with Elliot-s model of action research aimed to solve those problems and predicted will encourage children overall development also. After continuous treatment with in 3 cycles, they are showing dynamic progress and manage to develop best in the 3rd cycle. Meanwhile, the average occurrence of children creative cognitive skills declines after 1st cycle but somehow makes a little progress in the 3rd cycle. Even though both variables show the same trend, statistically they don-t show good correlations at each other. In conclusion, the pragmatic approach to creativity is somewhat successful to stimulate children-s creative cognitive skills, encourage their overall development, and initiate some changes in classroom climates.

Pragmatic Approach to Creativity, Creative Cognitive Abilities, Children Developmental Aspect.

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


Introduction of English Language in the Early Childhood Education Curriculum for Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Rohmalina, Rohmalina; Lestari, Ririn Hunafa

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Rohmalina Rohmalina

IKIP Siliwangi

The use of foreign languages, especially English, has an important role in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, to create a generation that is ready to compete internationally, establish cooperation and exchange information. English is an international language used by many countries as a means of communication and information. Therefore English can be introduced early on through the teaching and learning process that is adapted to the principles of early childhood learning. One preschool in Cimahi has introduced English to early childhood and is part of the school curriculum. English learning provided by teachers to early childhood is adjusted to the curriculum of early childhood education. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach to provide an overview of the English-based curriculum for early childhood that has been applied. Based on the results of the study, English applied in schools is to introduce vocabulary and simple sentences that can be understood by children that are adapted to thematic learning with innovative and interesting methods for children through play and repetition.

English Language, Early Childhood Curriculum, Industrial Revolution 4.0

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


Research and Development on Authentic Assessment for Language Domain in TK Kartika Batu.
Irena Agatha Simanjuntak, Nurhenti Simatupang

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Irena A. Simanjuntak

Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Semarang No.5, Sumbersari, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65145

Every educator and parent needs good information about how and what children learn. In contemporary kindergarten classrooms, children-s literacy abilities are often assessed by tests used to determine a child-s ‘readiness- for school. Readiness often means letter identification, phonemic awareness, letter-writing, and other functions related to language mechanics. Furthermore, language development and emergent literacy have long been launched for research, with the results of research many assessment procedures have been developed not only for use in research, but also for research and education purposes. This study aims to produce a valid, practical, and effective conversation book and authentic assessment instrument format that can be used by teachers in improving the assessment process in learning. The researcher used the ADDIE Research steps, while the ADDIE research and development procedure consisted of five stages which included analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation.

assessment instrument, language assessment, language domain

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


The Effect of Perspective Taking on Prosocial Behavior in Early Childhood
Rizky Drupadi (a*), Yulia Ayriza (b)

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rizky drupadi

a) Early childhood education, Universitas Lampung
Jl. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumantri Brojonegoro, RW.No: 1, Gedong Meneng, Kec. Rajabasa, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35141
b) Faculty of psychology, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Jl. Colombo No.1, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281

This study aimed to investigate the influence of perspective-taking on prosocial behavior in early childhood. The research approach used quantitative research with the type of expo facto study with survey data collection. Data collection in this study used a questionnaire that was shown to class teachers to obtain perspective-taking data on children, and prosocial behavior using interviews that were shown to children. The result of the research showed that: perspective-taking had a significant influence on the early childs prosocial behavior with p=0.000 (p <0.05), which means that perspective could predict prosocial behavior in early childhood. Perspective-taking gave 15.2% effective contribution to prosocial behavior.

perspective-taking; prosocial behaviour; early childhood

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


The impact of inadequate learning activities at the ECCE center on childrens social and emotional wellbeing
Syifa Andina, Wahyu Bramastyo

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Syifa Andina

FMCH Indonesia, Save The Children

A study in 23 ECCE centers in North Jakarta involved more than 500 children and their parents from low economic families suggest that more than 70% of children in the study have age-appropriate competencies in language, motor, and cognitive development. Likewise, parents and teachers who provide stimulation on that milestone have done quite well. However, only half of the young children involved in the study have adequate social and emotional competencies. The study found that teachers have limited knowledge and practices that respond to childrens emotional needs, so does the parent. Meanwhile, these children live in areas with high cases of violence against children. The study further suggests a few actions to establish at the center to better support childrens social-emotional competencies

young children, social-emotional competencies, well-being, violence against children, stimulation

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


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